Vocational Stream

Vocational Education plays a vital role in human resource development of the country by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and improving the quality of life.

Vocational Education at the higher secondary stage, develops competencies like knowledge, skills and attitude required by a specific occupation or a group of occupations, through diversified vocational courses to prepare pupil for the world of work.

The Curriculum includes On-the-Job Training which gives exposure to the practical aspects of work environment and help to acquire necessary skills and prepares him/her to be independent.

Our Higher Secondary under the Vocational Stream offers three Vocational Courses.



  • No of Seats : 30 per Course

The course content is designed so as to provide practical training through Class Room teaching and OJT. Training for 6 weeks is provided by reputed Chartered Accountants who disseminate training in Accounting and Taxation field.

Job Opportunities:

  • Tax Consultant
  • Accounts Assistant

Scheme of Subjects

  1. Communication Skills
  2. General Foundation Course
  3. Accountancy *
  4. Principles & Practice of Auditing*
  5. Cost Accountancy & Taxation *
  6. Computer Application*

*These subjects have Theory & Practical

School Assessment Subjects

  1. Computer Awareness
  2. Health, Sports and Physical Education
  3. National Service Scheme
  4. Environment Studies

Course is designed to prepare the students for employment in IT sector. The objective is to acquire knowledge about Computer Operations, Application Software Packages and develop skills in Office Automation Tools, HTML & other Web Tools, Problem Solving and Programming, Computer Networks and Database Management.

Job Opportunities in IT sector:

  • Computer Support Personnel
  • Programmers
  • DTP Operators
  • Data entry Operators
  • Internet/Cybercafé Entrepreneur
  • Computer Lab. Assistant

Scheme of Subjects

  1. Communication Skills
  2. General Foundation Course
  3. Mathematics*
  4. Software Technology*
  5. Software Application*
  6. Web Technology*

*These subjects have Theory & Practical

School Assessment Subjects

  1. Computer Awareness
  2. Health, Sports and Physical Education
  3. National Service Scheme
  4. Environment Studies

This course provides, skill based training in handling all office routines like writing of letters, notices, circulars, reports, minutes, statements, taking dictation and transcribing it on the Typewriter and/or Computer. It also includes Ms-Office and Tally Package and knowledge of e-Commerce. It develops the communication skills of the students.

Job Opportunities:

  • Lower Division Clerk
  • Stenographer
  • Office Assistant
  • Office Assistant
  • Accounts Clerk

Scheme of Subjects

  1. Communication Skills
  2. General Foundation Course
  3. Office Procedure & Practice*
  4. Accountancy*
  5. Stenography*
  6. Computer Application*

*These subjects have Theory & Practical

School Assessment Subjects

  1. Computer Awareness
  2. Health, Sports and Physical Education
  3. National Service Scheme
  4. Environment Studies

Mid Term Exam


  • 10 marks paper for all the subjects(for std XI & XII).


  • Unit I – 25 marks (All subjects except CS & GFC only for STD XII ).


  • STD XI & XII – Mid Term Mark sheets (Theory marks only)

First Term Exam


60 marks Paper for CS & GFC ( common to all the three courses) , 40 marks Paper for remaining four subjects in each course ie

  • CT – WT, MATHS, SA & ST.

Practical /Viva/ Assignments

  • 50 marks Practical (All subjects except CS & GFC for std XI).
  • 15 marks Viva / Assignments for CS & GFC(XI & XII).
  • Unit II – 25 marks(All subjects except CS & GFC, for std XII ).


  • First Term Marksheets (Std XI & XII).
  • First Term (Unit I & Unit II) Practical Marksheet(Std XII)

Second Term Exam (XI) / Prelimnary Exam (XII)


  • 70 marks Paper for CS & GFC (common to all the three courses)
  • 50 marks Paper for remaining four subjects in each course

Practical /Viva/ Assignments

  • 15 marks Viva / Assignments for CS & GFC
  • 50 marks Practical (All subjects except CS & GFC for std XI)
  • Unit III – 50 marks(All subjects except CS & GFC, only for STD XII)

Reports – Std XII

  • Second Term (Unit III) Practical Marksheet.
  • Final (First Term & Second Term)Practical MarkSheet.
  • Consolidated Marksheet.

Final Result

  • CS & GFC (common to all three courses ie CT, AA, OSS) 100 marks /subject.
  • Remaining four subjects in all the three courses 150 Marks /subject.
  • Six subjects per course.
  • Maximum Marks : 800 per course.


Total = Mid Term + First Term+ Second Term

  • Average Theory Marks = Total/2
  • Theory Grades and values are based on the Average Theory Marks.

Practical/Viva/ Assign

  • Total Practical Marks= First Term Marks + Second Term Marks
  • Practical Grades and Values are based on the Total Practical Marks

Total Marks

  • Average Theory Marks + Total Practical Marks
  • Overall Grades and values are given based on Total marks

Grading System

28 – 30 46 – 50 64 – 70 91 – 100 136 – 150 A 10
25 -27 41 – 45 57 – 63 81 – 90 121 – 135 B 9
22 – 24 36 – 40 50 – 56 71 – 80 106 – 120 C 8
19 – 21 31 – 35 43 – 49 61 – 70 91  – 105 D 7
16 – 18 26 – 30 36 – 42 51 –  60 76  –  90 E 6
13 – 15 21 – 25 29 – 35 41 –  50 61  –  75 F 5
10 – 12 17 – 20 23 – 28 33 – 40 49  –  60 G 4
6 – 9 11- 16 15 – 22 21 – 32 32  –  48 H

Reports – Std XI

  • Final Marksheets.
  • Consolidated Marksheet(Mid Term + First Term + Second Term) .

Grading system at STD. XI

The following Nine-Point scale for Absolute Grading shall be used in all Subjects, both academic as well as School Assessment Subject with effect from the Academic Year 2011-2012 onwards.

Sr. No. Percentage Range Letter Grade Grade Value Description/Remarks
1. 91% to 100% A 10 Outstanding
2. 81% to 90% B 9 Excellent
3. 71% to 80% C 8 Very Good
4. 61% to 70% D 7 Good
5. 51% to 60% E 6 Above Average
6. 41% to 50% F 5 Average
7. 33% to 40% G 4 Fair
8. 21% to 32% H Marginal
9. Below 21% I Unsatisfactory
  1. Grades are to be awarded separately for Theory and Year Round Assessment (YRA) components, and overall after adding theory and YRA components based on the percentage scored as shown in Table No.1 above.
  2. For passing a subject a student will have to secure any grade from A to G in that subject provided he/she secures minimum H grade separately in Theory and Year Round Assessment.


Unit tests/Mid term and First & Second/Final Terminal Examinations.

Year Round Work

Orals, Practicals, assignments/projects, year’s work, Class response & note book.

  • A student who secures ‘I’ grade either in Theory or Year Round Assessment separately in a subject will necessarily be awarded overall ‘I’ grade in that subjects.
  • A student for qualifying for next higher class will have to secure a grade from A to G grade in all six subjects.
  • A student failing to secure ‘A to G’ grade in the School Assessment Subject/s will be given enough opportunity by the Head of the Institution to improve his/her grade in such subject/s, before the declaration of Final results.
  • A student is entitled for maximum six condonation marks for obtaining overall ‘G’ Grade in one or more subject/s after adding the Theory and YRA components.
  • A student declared as “Need improvement” and securing overall ‘H’ or ‘I’ grade in one or two subjects will be eligible to appear for supplementary examination in one/two subjects only to be conducted not earlier than one month after declaration of final results and not later than 2nd week of commencement of next academic year and for which the portion will be the whole year’s portion. Student may be exempted from Theory or YRA component for which he/she has qualified.